Terrascope just finished the manufacturing of a large batch of micromorphology slides from the Antonine Wall, UK. This project constitutes the very first microscopic investigation of the Antonine Wall, a major archaeological remain of the Romano-British Empire, erected after 142 AD. The wall is basically a turf fortification built on stone foundations and measures 63 km long.
The different micromorphology blocks were taken in Kubiena tins in various parts of the wall to investigate the construction techniques. The samples impregnated well and Sabrina Save has been able to produce beautiful thin sections. They all look super interesting, clearly showing different materials used in the construction of the wall. We are sure these micromorphology slides will bring a lot of valuable informations on military turf architecture during the Roman Empire.
If you have samples to be turned into thin sections, contact us for a quote and follow us on Instagram for a closer insight to the lab’s routine!